One of the main objectives of the "Trends in Nanotechnology" International conference is to provide a platform where young researchers can present their latest work and also interact with high-level scientists. For this purpose, the Organising Committee provides every year around 60/70 travel grants for students. In addition, more than 20 awards are given to young PhD students for their contributions presented at TNT. More than 60 senior scientists are involved in the selection process. Grants and awards are funded by the TNT Organisation in collaboration with several governmental or research institutions.
This high-level scientific meeting series aims, therefore, to present a broad range of current research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology worldwide as well as related policies (European Commission, etc.) and initiatives (iNANO, IEEE, GDR-E, FinNano, etc.). TNT events have demonstrated that they are particularly effective in transmitting information and establishing contacts among workers in this field. Graduate students fortunate to attend such events quickly learn the importance of interdisciplinary skills, thereby becoming more effective in their future research.
TNT conferences provide an ideal venue for industrial, academic and governmental organizations to share common objectives and drive the commercialisation of nanotechnology discoveries. Last year more around 200 participants gathered in Lecce (Italy) for TNT2018, and four companies and organizations exhibited at this meeting.
TNT is now one of the premier European conferences devoted to nanoscale science and technology with around 400 participants worldwide.